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Manage risk

Understand appreciation and depreciation factors in your portfolio by incorporating market and physical risk assessments. Mitigate market stranding risk using our platform's reports, which adhere to the Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor's (CRREM) 2.0 pathways and identify assets with the highest risk of underperformance related to financial and physical KPIs. Our platform also helps you assess probability and impact of physical climate hazards – including wildfires, storm surges, river floods, droughts, and more – on assets and forecasts climate expected losses.

CRREM pathways

CRREM framework sets 1.5°C and 2°C carbon and energy reduction targets for all countries and building types, including mixed-use assets.

It automatically projects energy consumption and carbon emissions until 2050 for individual buildings and portfolios using official CRREM emission factors. The framework also assesses stranded assets, evaluates the impact of efficiency measures and retrofits on CRREM performance, and compares cumulative emissions to the CRREM pathway's emission budget.

Market stranding risk projections and management

Estimate optimal retrofits based on our machine learning model trained on data from 1,000+ retrofit projects in the European Green Buildings Catalogue.

Estimate investment costs and energy savings for building renovations by using benchmarks from the 2019 EU publication on nearly zero-energy buildings. Consider factors like planned retrofits, building area, country, and building type and use retrofit si-mulations to instantly assess the impact on building performance, evaluate key KPIs, and plan budgets while adhering to decarbonization standards.

Physical risk assessment

In partnership with MunichRE, we evaluate hazard scores for risks, such as river flooding, flash floods, earthquakes, sea level rise, heat, volcanoes, tsunamis, tropical and extratropical cyclones, hail, tornadoes, lightning, storm surges, and wildfires. This enables you to understand the current risk scores as a reflection of the present situation and anticipate potential changes in the future due to climate change.

Die Nachfrage nach datengetriebenen Informationen für das Gebäudemanagement und die Optimierung von Immobilienwertanlagen ist beträchtlich und wächst weiter. Durch die Verbindung von Industriekenntnissen und Digitalisierungs-Know-how kommt BuildingMinds eine wichtige Rolle bei den Veränderungen im Sektor zu.

Silvio Napoli
Silvio Napoli
CEO der Schindler Group

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