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March 8, 2021

‘C’ stands for future Cooperation is required to meet our challenges

‘C’ stands for future Cooperation is required to meet our challenges

It’s clear that cooperation is required if we want to seriously meet the challenges of climate change and tackle the current and future pandemics. But that’s not all.After closely looking at the three Cs defined by the World Economic Forum (in this blog post and in this blog post) and examining what they mean for the real estate industry, a fourth C became as important as the other three for me.

The right skills in the right places at the right time

In addition to the coronavirus pandemic and climate change, the economy and, in particular, the real estate industry, faces another challenge: the shortage of skilled workers.Cooperation and collaboration offer solutions, but they need to be implemented intelligently in practice. At BuildingMinds, we have been evaluating the platform concept from the ground up, asking ourselves how a platform should be set up, which players should be integrated into the platform and which criteria should determine their integration.We have also factored in efforts to connect building services and install sensors. In short, it’s about how interaction can function in a platform ecosystem. And that requires having the right skills in the right places at the right time.

Technology empowers people on the ground

For example, before the pandemic, personnel frequently visited properties in a nationwide or even global portfolio to obtain certain data, such as on-site readings. Even as the current restrictions on movement and travel are gradually eased, it is highly unlikely that many companies will stick with this time- and cost-intensive approach. Given the wide range of alternatives, there is no need to.Technological innovations are empowering people on the ground to do new things in new ways. Keyword: augmented applications. A building superintendent, for example, can be sent instructions via smartphone about which readings need to be collected and how. Photos, data, etc. can be transmitted to the platform at the touch of a button for immediate evaluation.

“There is a vast amount of potential simply waiting to be tapped.”

There is a vast amount of potential simply waiting to be tapped. Just think of the possibilities created by virtual reality and holograms. From one day to the next, entire real estate portfolios could be inspected and monitored, anywhere in the world.

The fourth C: Culture as the cornerstone of all solutions

In my introduction to this blog, I said there is a fourth C. And it is closely related to the three Cs I have already explored. The final “C” is corporate culture.Ultimately, whether we succeed in mastering the challenges I have outlined is not just a question of technology. More than anything else, we need to develop the right mindset and corporate culture if we want to develop truly sustainable solutions.

Sustainability needs the right corporate mindset

In my view, one of our most important tasks is to build teams with complementary but different skill sets, where diversity is not just a word but a lived reality, and where each member of the team can reach their full potential. You could even say that any solution is only as good as the team, and every team is only as good as the sum of its members.At BuildingMinds, we not only embrace and celebrate our differences, we thrive on the strength of diversity. We’re growing a team of experts from different backgrounds focused on the mission of sustainability and revolutionizing the role of data for an entire industry. Learn more about our company here: Mueller, CEO BuildingMinds

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