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May 21, 2024

BuildingMinds lands in France

BM lands in France

Already active in Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, the UK and the USA, BuildingMinds, a 100% subsidiary of the Schindler Schindler Group, is now ready to pursue its international expansion with its first move into France. According to our information, the German company has recruited José Pereira, until recently Sales Director at Drees & Sommer at Drees & Sommer France.

BuildingMinds was founded in Berlin in 2019 with the ambition of offering asset managers a SaaS platform providing a holistic view holistic view of all their ESG and extra-financial reporting needs reporting requirements, such as carbon risk calculations investment planning (capex/opex) or optimizing working arrangements.

"We meet the requirements of both asset owners and the tenants as those of the tenants who occupy them, an inseparable combination stakeholders to achieve their environmental, health and safety environmental, social responsibility and governance objectives," stresses governance", José Pereira tells Business Immo. He adds that "BuildingMinds is not dependent on external financial capital, which enables us to establish our services in mature services in mature markets, in line with the needs of local players".

In France, where it already has its first customers and will find direct competitors, BuildingMinds has "a fairly aggressive development and recruitment plan", assures José Pereira. More broadly, the company aims to become "the world leader in terms of quality and production of digital building information" and "the benchmark partner in France and Europe for property for property asset managers in terms of ESG reporting", he adds. All this while guaranteeing "a single point of entry for our customers in the management of their global decarbonization strategies and extra-financial reporting solutions". In the course of his career, José Pereira has held various positions at Engie, Arte Charpentier Architectes and BNP Paris Real Estate. In addition to business development, his responsibilities will include digital implementation in terms of extra-financial obligations and reporting for relevant as well as coordinating the French subsidiary.

Read the full article in the original language here